Monday, November 16, 2009

Yes, We're Still Here!

We are so sorry it's been almost a whole month since our last post, but hey, we're adjusting to life with 4 kids. Things have been awesome, but busy. Jayne Riley continues to be the first thing everybody in the family wants to see when they come home. She is doing great adjusting to life as an Edwards! She sleeps great, she eats great (not that you couldn't see that in the pictures), and she acts great!

I can't remember the date (it's all a fog), but a couple of weeks ago, Jayne Riley had tubes put in her ears because they were filled with fluid and causing her a good bit of pain.
Here she is waiting for the nurses to take her back. She is being held by her grandmother, SueSue.

The surgery was successful and she came out of it beautifully. She responded by talking (her version, at least) and smiling a good bit more. We could really tell it felt better to her because she had been constantly pulling on her ears and now was no longer doing it.

She has been home now for almost two months and I felt she was ready to take on some household chores. She was reluctant at first, but as soon as we told her we would withhold a bottle from her, she was ready to begin. She is a quick learner, as I think you will see:

Whether it's cleaning the kitchen cabinets

or helping Jake out straightening his drawers

My personal favorite is how she joyfully goes and gets Daddy a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge

As you can see, she is fitting in nicely at home!

Now back to reality, our family could not be happier. To see the boys love on Jayne Riley and to see her light up when they are around is a complete joy. She has totally taken to her mother and Meg is enjoying every second of being with her. I think it should probably go without saying that she already has her Daddy wrapped. I hope to put some more pictures on the blog over the next few days, but here are a few more before I say goodbye: