Friday, August 28, 2009

periwinkle, pink, and we are ready!

hey to all...thanks everyone for all the interest in our family along this very long journey! We are waiting on them (Korea) to issue Jayne Riley her visa so she can come home! Isn't that just crazy. It could be as soon as the middle of september or any time after that.

Sue Sue (meg's mom) came these last couple of days to help decorate her room and go through 9 years worth of old boy clothes. It was a huge job for us, but we did it and are finally able to have her closet ready for some little girl things.

Jason's sister and brother-n-law came a couple of weeks ago and worked like crazy; painting, moving beds around, and putting things together. We are so grateful to them for all their work. Jayne Riley's room is almost finished, with the help of two darling paintings that my sweet neighbor did for her. We will update as soon as we know something.


Jason, Meg, & the boys

Friday, August 14, 2009


This is so fun to write. I just talked with a very nice lady from the National Visa Center in D.C. who stated that they had already sent our packet (p3) to Holt in Korea. After Korea does whatever they do with this, they will schedule her interview for her visa (to actually come home)...then they call us. It seems that we are getting close, but some say it could still be a couple of months.

We are getting ready to paint her room and try to get the boys settled in their new spots. But needless to say, we absolutely have no baby girl things in this all boy house! YIKES!!

Thanks for sharing with us,

Jason, meg, and the boys

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

lots of news!!

So sorry for such a long wait between updates...we have been out of town for the past two weeks with allstar baseball and then an awesome trip to Horn Creek Camp in the mountains of Colorado. First, the news about Jayne Riley, then I will fill you in on us!

About three weeks ago, we received an update that told us a little about her said that she loves to go out and see people, that she is very social, loves to giggle and smile at strangers, likes to be upside down playing, and that she is a very content baby! Is that not the biggest blessing in the world to hear that as we wait for her to come home. We have received approval from immigration on our last piece of paperwork on the USA side. Now it is all Korea's hands, but we did just find out that they are doing some things electronically instead of through the mail. That will speed things up a ton.

Jason's sister and husband are coming this weekend to paint and help us move the boys around into their new rooms. They are so excited and continue to faithfully pray for her. Please pray that we will all be ready!

We had a wonderful time in Colorado last week getting to meet many new friends. Jason was asked to speak at the Horn Creek Family Camp and we get to go and be a part of it together. The camp has many who have been coming to the same camp for 17 years. There were a few other families who were first time attenders and everyone was made to feel welcome and lots of new friendships were formed. It was our family's 4th time to be at Horn Creek and we had a blast. We did the Alpine Swing (swinging from forty feet in the air after they pull you up dangling and abruptly let you go-- all five of us did it!!). We bowled countless number of times, went on hikes in the mountains (Jason climbed Horn Peak, 13,500 feet, for the first time and he was in much pain afterwards). We rode horses, square danced, ate alot of good food, climbed rock walls, played games, the boys (all four of them) rode waterslides EVERY day we were there. There were so many fun things we did, I believe I may have forgotten some of them. We would love ANY of our friends to come to Horn Creek sometime with us and experience the refreshing beauty of God's creation along with meeting so many new, wonderful friends.

Much love,

The Edwards