Friday, August 14, 2009


This is so fun to write. I just talked with a very nice lady from the National Visa Center in D.C. who stated that they had already sent our packet (p3) to Holt in Korea. After Korea does whatever they do with this, they will schedule her interview for her visa (to actually come home)...then they call us. It seems that we are getting close, but some say it could still be a couple of months.

We are getting ready to paint her room and try to get the boys settled in their new spots. But needless to say, we absolutely have no baby girl things in this all boy house! YIKES!!

Thanks for sharing with us,

Jason, meg, and the boys


  1. I'm so excited that it is getting closer and closer to the day you bring Jayne Riley home! Let me know if there is anything we can do to help you guys get ready for her! I am going to drop all these girl clothes by your house one day real soon! Keep the updates coming!

  2. She is so beautiful! Please let me know if I can help y'all in any way - whether it's watching the boys while y'all move stuff around or whatever!
