Sunday, July 19, 2009

Outfits, pink blankets, and tiny socks

These are a few of the things that we have had such a fun time of packing up to send to Jayne Riley! It is our understanding that we can send her a care package straight to Korea with her name, Gim, Hye-mi, on it. Her foster mother will come pick it up and hopefully bring her for a picture with her new stuff. I went to a store here in town and got three little outfits and socks to send was so much fun! I wanted to buy all these precious little sundresses and outfits, but it will be getting cold when she does get here. We also are sending a disposable camera that her foster family will use and then send home with her when she comes home with Jason and his mom. We sent a soft blanket, a teddy bear, picture fram and a hand towel for the mom, and a rattle. They said hand towels are big for presents...who knows? We wanted to share our fun news for the day. The little white outfit to the right is a picture of one of the outfits we are sending her. Isn't it tiny!

Please keep praying about memphis immigration papers!!

Jason, Meg, & the boys


  1. Meg,
    She is just beautiful and I can't wait to meet her. We are praying for your new little bundle of joy. God is so good!

    Susanne :-)

  2. The camera is such a good idea - she will really treasure those photos when she gets older! I only have five photos from the hospital and my foster home. They're very dear to me since that's a special part of my life that I don't remember.
